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Los disturbios estallaron el lunes en Baltimore, Maryland (Estados Unidos), como respuesta a la muerte de Freddie Gray, suscitada el 19 de abril tras sufrir una lesión en la médula espinal cuando estaba bajo custodia policial.
Hasta el momento, los enfrentamientos han dejado 15 heridos. Además, las escuelas públicas de la ciudad están cerradas, mientras que fue decretado el toque de queda hasta la próxima semana. El gobernador de Maryland declaró el estado de emergencia.
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En ese marco, las celebridades de Hollywood y otras figuras del espectáculo dieron sus opiniones en Twitter sobre esta crisis:
Nobody wins in Baltimore tonight. My heart is broken watching the news in Singapore right now. #prayersforbaltimore
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) abril 28, 2015
Wow, 15 policemen hurt in Baltimore, some badly! Where is the National Guard. Police must get tough, and fast! Thugs must be stopped.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) abril 28, 2015
The media isn't the problem in Baltimore. It's the ABJECT LACK OF LEADERSHIP. The media isn't the problem here. #BaltimoreRiots
— Montel Williams (@Montel_Williams) abril 28, 2015
if you're in Baltimore right now please stay safe
— bea (@BeaMiller) abril 27, 2015
Watching a live stream of Baltimore right now. Wow. Just wow.
— Jenna Mourey/Marbles (@Jenna_Marbles) abril 27, 2015
We've got ourselves a CHP pursuit! Anything to get out minds off Baltimore. #pleasantDiversion pic.twitter.com/VyhnsoaOXi
— Steven BRODY Stevens (@BrodyismeFriend) abril 28, 2015
I'm embarrassed for Baltimore right now!!!
— Tony Siragusa (@TonySiragusa) abril 28, 2015
I just don't think burning down Baltimore and looting businesses is the answer.
— Cindy McCain (@cindymccain) abril 28, 2015
Baltimore. My thoughts and prayers are with you…#BaltimoreRiots
— Laurie Holden (@Laurie_Holden) abril 28, 2015
What would have been a great display of rage would have been going to the DOJ and demanding a meeting with Loretta Lynch on her 1st day.
— Wendell Pierce (@WendellPierce) abril 27, 2015
They set those kids up! RT SarahPinsker</a>: Mondawmin teacher asked for this to be shared. Pass it along. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Baltimore?src=hash">#Baltimore</a> <a href="http://t.co/7PpAJpTuuI">pic.twitter.com/7PpAJpTuuI</a></p>— Kali Hawk (
KaliHawk) abril 28, 2015
My household in LA is a #Baltimore household. Me, coconerdgirl</a> and <a href="https://twitter.com/Amanthedj">
Amanthedj are glued to our phones and TV. #PrayersforBaltimore
— Tracie Thoms (@traciethoms) abril 28, 2015
#Baltimore: Incendios y saqueos por muerte de afroamericano #FreddieGray | FOTOS Y VIDEO http://t.co/CnVxvr8Gw6
— La Prensa (@laprensaperu) abril 28, 2015
#FreddieGray: #Baltimore en estado de emergencia por #disturbios en EEUU http://t.co/ifQMBykgQs
— La Prensa (@laprensaperu) abril 28, 2015
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